What's New? [4/2/2001 12:33:48 PM | The Town Crier... Author] The Town Crier was put together as a result of the Police Actions on Escort Agencies, Owners, and Employees, in The City Of Calgary. And when we got to thinking about it there are a few things that go on in this country that should be examined and spoken about.There are people out there who need to know. For instance... The treatment of persons who were intimidated by members of the Calgary Police Service to give statements under false threats and lies have come to the attention of many people, and need to be brought to the attention of more. As a result charges have been laid, and the court battle is to begin. The instigators ( Rats ) should be known, for the safety of all concerned. Other things such as Search Warrents, once inside your home, office, etc officers can take or plant, what they think is needed to make their case eg. file cabnets, computers your tax records, your money and in the case of the Escort Agencys, photos of your kids, paper clips, figure that one out. You may or may not know that the Tax people can go into your bank account or the bank accounts of your childern and remove your money if you do not pay them fast enough. These are a few of the things we are going to write on. We have no intention of hurting the innocent.